


"a profound, poetic piece where the shifting moods are given even more depth and immediancy by the on stage trio of musicians."

Last Land, The Herald,**** 2013

"At once sweeping and elliptical, Maria Nilsson Waller's Last Land speaks to the act of creation in its every form, but especially to the creative act of the artist. Its rhythms and metaphors carry us over into a transmembered nature that is sometimes sublime, sometimes strange and homely and uncanny. The piece itself is often sublime, deftly invoking man's transcendental longings. It is a piece of great power and wit and even beauty."​

​Last Land, NoVirginia, 2012


"a highly physical piece with strength and precision, capturing the immensity and timelessness of the landscapes."

Last Land,, 2013

"En skönhetsupplevelse med styrka och konstnärlig helhet i uttrycket. […] både abstrakt och realistiskt med en spännande oförutsägbarhet. […] en föreställning med stark känsla av tidlöshet och oändlighet. " An experience of beauty with strength and artistic fullness in it's expression[...] Both abstract and realistic with an exciting unpredictability [...] A performance with a strong sensation of timelessness and infinity.

Last Land, Östersundposten 2012 

"Lyhördheten mellan dansare och musiker är stor. […] I sina starkaste stunder ger Last land mig samma känsla som när jag överväldigas av min egen litenhet i riktigt storslagen natur. " |The dancers and musicians perform together with sensitive listening [...] In its strongest moments Last Land gives me the same feeling as when I am overwhelmed by my own insignificance in truly magnificent nature.

Last Land, Länstidningen Östersund 2012

"with a silent and strong presence, summoning inner forces she creates a dreamy sensation of infinity"

"Maria’s movement quality is supreme and it is an utmost pleasure to watch her. Both her dance expression and technique are so refined it is hard to resist the charm of her solo. Pure and entirely mesmerising"​

Walker, Irish Theatre Magazine, 2011​

"a visual force of nature without pointing fingers"

Flora + Fauna, Länstidningen 2018

“Grand and cinematic, like an intro to an unknown universe”

"There is an elevation in the piece that I like alot. A reverence and solemnity that lifts up everyday objects and situations and renews their meaning. I take it as an encouragement to see the greatness in the reality all around us where new lives are formed but lovers also pulled apart" Det finns en upphöjdhet i verket som jag tycker mycket om. Ett vördnadsfullt allvar som lyfter upp vardagliga ting och företeelser och förnyar deras innebörd. Jag läser det som en uppmaning till att se storheten i den överallt pågående verkligheten där nya liv blir till men där älskande också slits isär.

merry.go.round, Länstidningen 2017

“the large and the small, lines of something that feels larger, more cosmic”

merry.go.round, DRAFF MAGAZINE 2017

“striking images pure emotion”

merry.go.round ****, Irish Times 2017

“It’s a joy”

merry.go.round, Exeunt magazine 2017

"deep-felt; heartfelt, exquisitely tender"

merry.go.round ****, THE ARTS REVIEW 2017

hon besitter som koreograf och dansare en nyansrikedom och en detaljskärpa [...] det ger hennes koreografier poetiska dimensioner" She possess a richness in nuance and sharpness in detail [...] it brings poetic dimensions to her choreographies.

" The ungraspable in the waiting of the drop of rain to hit the palm of the hand" Det ogripbara i väntan på regndroppen mot handflatan.

Stream, Länstidningen 2014

" What i see is just outside the graspable. Not wordless understanding, it goes deeper than that. Perhaps insight" [...]strax utanför det gripbara, vad jag ser. Inte ordlös förståelse, det går djupare än så. Kanske insikt.

Walker, Länstidningen 2014